Getting Started With Web3 Development

1) CupOJoseph's (a guild member) Guide to becoming an Ethereum developer - A guide that provides some more direction and is less overwhelming than other giant lists, and has most of the resources you need to become a successful Ethereum developer.

2) The Ultimate Ethereum Dapp Tutorial - This article (and video) by Dapp University is a step-by-step guide that goes over how to build a full stack decentralized application on the Ethereum blockchain.

3) Alchemy API Guide - Alchemy is a blockchain platform that makes web3 much faster with an easy-to-use API. This set of documents by Alchemy is a great way to get started using their API and building out your first Dapp.

4) EthHub - Goto source for everything Ethereum. From Tokenomics to Developer Tools.

5) Pet Shop Tutorial - Get started with Solidity using Truffe and Ganache.

6) Ethereum contract overciew - OpenZeppelin - Ethereum contract overview, including Truffle or Hardhat tutorials for Solidity.

7) Ethereum dev stack for fast product iterations - Quick and easy way to set up a scaffold and start fiddling around with contracts and the connected frontend.

8) Solidity Expamples - List of Solidity sample coding.

  1. Crypto startup school- understand the fundimintals you need to start a crypto company10) Build space- Learn to build and code with others. through easy